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WEBfactory 2010

WEBfactory 2010 Controls Library Overview


Check out this article and get an overview over the WEBfactory 2010 Controls Library before starting to use them.

WEBfactory 2010 provides an ample library of Silverlight controls for SCADA projects, available in , Microsoft Blend and Microsoft Visual Studio.

While in , the controls library is available by default (built in), Microsoft's Blend and Visual Studio projects require references to the controls library's DLL files in order to have access to WEBfactory 2010's Silverlight controls. Read more about using the controls library in the section below.

All WEBfactory 2010 controls share some of the common set of features and properties described below in this article. Besides the shared features and properties, each control provides its own particular functionality. These particular features and properties are described for every control in their individual articles.

For a quicker visual reference of the WEBfactory 2010 Controls Library, check out the preview section here:

The WEBfactory 2010 Controls Library articles are updated constantly, so stay tuned for the latest information on all the WEBfactory 2010 controls!

Using the WEBfactory 2010 controls library

The WEBfactory 2010 control library can be used directly in or in Microsoft's Blend and Visual Studio.


SmartEditor provides the simplest way of working with the controls library. Every control is available in the Toolbox panel by default, without any referencing or other user intervention. Simply drag the desired control from the Toolbox on the Page and configure it in the Properties panel.


SmartEditor controls library available in WEBfactory 2010The


To use the WEBfactory 2010 controls library in Blend, the user must reference the control library DLL files in the Silverlight Application project. See Adding references in Blend projects.

The required DLL files are located by default at: C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBfactory 2010\Silverlight\Standard

After referencing the DLL files in the project, the controls will be available in Blend's Assets panel.


The Blend's Assets panel displaying the WEBfactory 2010 controls library

Visual Studio

To use the WEBfactory 2010 controls library in Visual Studio, the user must reference the control library DLL files in the Silverlight Application project. See Adding references in Visual Studio projects.

The required DLL files are located by default at: C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBfactory 2010\Silverlight\Standard

After referencing the DLL files in the project, the controls are accessible in XAML via namespaces.

    d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="400"

    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">

Once the appropriate namespace is declared, Visual Studio will provide suggestions when accessing the declared namespace in XAML, displaying all the controls available in that namespace.

Visual Studio displaying the controls via intellisense

Common control features

Most of the controls inside the WEBfactory 2010 control library have common run-time features that provide rich functionality in SCADA visualizations.

Dynamic visual states

Many WEBfactory 2010 controls like Dynamic Symbols, Indicators or various buttons, feature rich visual states that can be dynamically influenced by signal values. This feature is extremely valuable when visualization elements need to reflect different operating states. The visual states are editable at design-time via two methods: using direct states properties or using the States Editor.


Various visual states of the Dynamic Symbols

The following articles make good use of the dynamic visual states in a realistic scenario, so check them out for more guidance:

Pop-up windows

Another common feature of the WEBfactory 2010 controls is the ability to open pop-up windows when clicked and pass parameters to the content of those windows. These windows can provide additional information about the control or can even host complex controls like WFAlarmViewer.


Pop-up window opened by WFIndicator2

The following article describes the usage of pop-up windows, so check it out for more details:

Run-time security

One of the most common features is WriteSecure, which adds an extra security layer to visualizations. When this option is enabled, the user can write the value of a signal only after confirming its password. The run-time security can also be enhanced by conditioning the control's visibility or state using authorization groups or signal value masks.


WriteSecure at run time

The article linked below describes the usage of the security settings at design-time, so make sure to check it out:

Multi-language support

All WEBfactory 2010 controls are translatable at run-time. Using symbolic texts, the WEBfactory 2010 control can instantly adapt their texts to the language selected by the user at run-time.


The WFAlarmViewer control switching between English and German at run-time

Custom visual styles

All WEBfactory 2010 controls can be styled to match the project's visual code. Customizing the colors, fonts faces, text sizes and layout can be easily achieved using the dedicated Appearance and Layout properties at design-time, in any editor tool.

If using Blend or Visual Studio, the customization can go even further with the ability to create custom skins for every control available.

Common control design-time properties

All the controls inside the WEBfactory 2010 controls library share a set of basic properties or property categories. These properties are usually available in all three editor tools and refer to the layout, appearance, signals and other common configurations that most controls support. Besides this set of common properties, each control may have its own parametrization options which will be detailed in the appropriate articles.


, Blend and Visual StudioSmartEditor controls properties in WEBfactory 2010

The tables below lists all the common design-time properties of the WEBfactory 2010 controls, along with their description and availability in the property categories of SmartEditor, Blend and Visual Studio.

Appearance properties

The Appearance properties allow the user to customize the visual style of the controls at design-time. Some control may expose more detailed appearance properties, which are described in control's specific section. Other control may expose only some of the below properties. The most common ones are listed in the table below.




Blend and Visual Studio


Provides the option to change the control's background color using the brush editor. The background can be set to full color, gradient or to saved templates.

Appearance properties

Brush properties


Provides the option to change the control's foreground color using the brush editor. The background can be set to full color, gradient or to saved templates.

Appearance properties

Brush properties


Applies the custom background and foreground colors to the control.

Appearance properties

Not available


Adjusts the opacity of the control. The values can range between full opacity to full transparency. The scale is numeric in SmartEditor (from 0 to 1) and percentual in Blend and Visual Studio.

Appearance properties

Appearance properties


The text displayed at run-time when hovering the mouse cursor over the control.

Appearance properties

Common properties


Adjusts the color of the border using the brush editor. The border can be set to full color, gradient or to saved templates.

Appearance properties

Brush properties


Adjusts the thickness of the border.

Appearance properties

Appearance properties

Font properties

Provide the option to customize the font used for displaying texts in the controls that display texts. The font parameters that can be customized are:

  • FontFamily - the available font families installed on the system

  • FontSize - the size of the text

  • FontStretch - distance between characters. Can be: UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed, Normal, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded or UltraExpanded

  • FontStyle - the text inclination. Can be normal or italic

  • FontWeight - the character's line width. Can be: thin, ExtraLight, Light, Normal, Medium, SemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, Black, ExtraBlack

Appearance properties

Text properties

Layout properties

The Layout properties allow the user to configure the position, angle and alignment of the control and it's contents at design-time.



Available in SmartEditor

Blend and Visual Studio


Adjusts the width of the control

Layout properties

Layout properties


Adjusts the height of the control

Layout properties

Layout properties


Adjusts the control's position on the X axis.

Layout properties

Transform properties


Adjusts the control's position on the Y axis.

Layout properties

Transform properties


Adjusts the angle of the control relative to the X axis.

Layout properties

Transform properties


The horizontal alignment options for the control's content. Can be: Left, Center, Right and Justified.

Layout properties

Layout properties


The vertical alignment options for the control's content. Can be: Top, Center, Bottom and Justified.

Layout properties

Layout properties

General properties

The General properties allow the user to configure the translatable text displayed by the control at run time.




Blend and Visual Studio


The text displayed by the control. If the symbolic text is defined in the database and has associated translations, the text will be automatically translated to the available languages when switching the languages at run-time.

General properties

- General propertiesWEBfactory 2010

Misc properties

The Misc properties allow the user to configure the control's name at design-time. The control can be further referenced in the project using this name.




Blend and Visual Studio


The name of the control. This name can be used when referencing the control in your project. Some features (like passing parameters in navigation) require named controls to work.

Misc properties

Properties panel

Security properties

The Security properties allow the user to set up advanced security for most WEBfactory 2010 controls.




Blend and Visual Studio


Sets the binary mask that toggles the control's state. When the binary mask matches the binary value of the EnableSignalName signal (binary AND operation), the control is disabled. Else, the control is enabled.

IMPORTANT: A binary mask condition can be satisfied by more than one value, as long as the proper bits match in both values.

Security properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Security properties


The signal whose value is used along the EnableMask value in the binary AND operation that toggles the control's state on (enabled) or off (disabled).

Security properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Security properties


The project authorization whose members have access to the control.

Security properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Security properties


The behavior of the control when the logged in user doesn't belong to the project authorization indicated by the SecurityAuthorizationName property. In this case, the control can be either disabled or hidden.

Security properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Security properties


Sets the binary mask that toggles the control's visibility. When the binary mask matches the binary value of the EnableSignalName signal (binary AND operation), the control is hidden. Else, the control is visible.

IMPORTANT: A binary mask condition can be satisfied by more than one value, as long as the proper bits match in both values.

Security properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Security properties


The signal whose value is used along the EnableMask value in the binary AND operation that toggles the control's visibility on (visible) or off (hidden).

Security properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Security properties


If enabled, provides an extra layer of security by asking the user to confirm its password for every writing operation.

Security properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Security properties

Signals properties

The Signals properties allow the user to assign a signal name to the control. The signal name can be its original name (alias) or can be composed from prefix and base.




Blend and Visual Studio


A prefix that can be automatically added to the signal name to form prefixed signal names. For example, if the name of a signal in the Studio project is Water.Temperature, this name can be composed using the Water SignalPrefix and the .Temperature SignalName.

In SmartEditor, the available signal prefixes are:

  • ObjectName - uses the ObjectName value as signal prefix

  • ObjectName_PageSignalPrefix - forms the prefix from the ObjectName value and the page name: [ObjectName].[PageName]

  • PageSignalPrefix - uses the name of the page as signal prefix

  • PageSignalPrefix_ObjectName - forms the prefix from the page name and the ObjectName value: [PageName].[ObjectName]

In Blend and Visual Studio, the available signal prefixes are the StringPlaceholdersResolver placeholders:

  • [N] - the name placeholder.

  • [OID] - the ObjectID placeholder

  • [PCN] - the placeholder for the name of the top parent user control

  • [PN] - the placeholder for the name of the parent of the control

See "StringPlaceholdersResolver Examples and Tutorials"

Signals properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Signals properties

ObjectName or ObjectID

A name that can be passed as a parameter in template pop-ups and navigation pages or as a signal prefix.

Signals properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Signals properties


The the name of the signal that will be used by this control for displaying and/or writing values. This property can be also used for defining signal names using the SignalPrefix property.

The name of the signal can be directly typed in the text field or can be selected using the Signal Browser.

Signals properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Signals properties


Can be available under the Signals properties or under their own category. The States properties are described below, in a separate section.

Signals properties

WEBfactory 2010 - Signals properties

* Some older WEBfactory 2010 controls might a different set States properties. These different properties will be described in the control's section.

States properties

The States properties allow the user to configure multiple visual states which can be controlled by signal values. They can be usually found under the Signals category and are available only for those control that support visual states. Some older WEBfactory 2010 control might have different parametrization for visual states.




Blend and Visual Studio


Allows the user to configure different visual states that can be activated by comparing a signal value to a constant or to a different signal value.

The visual states are created using the State Editor. Each state has the following parameters:

  • StateName - the name of the state.

  • SignalName - the signal that will control the state.

  • Comparator - the comparator that will be applied on the signal value. The comparator will apply the selected operation between the value of the selected signal and the value provided in the SignalValue field of the state. The available comparators are:

    • Different

    • Equal

    • GreaterThan

    • GreaterThanOrEqual

    • LessThan

    • LessThanOrEqual

    • AndWord

    • AndDWord

  • SignalValue - the value that will be compared with the selected signal value. If the comparison between the signal value and the value provided in the SignalValue field is true, the state will be applied.

  • Background - the background color for the current state.

  • Foreground - the foreground color for the current state.

  • IsVisible - if checked, the control will be visible when it will be in this state.

  • IsEnabled - if checked, the control will be enabled when it will be in this state.

  • IsBlinking - if checked, the control will blink when it will be in this state.

  • BlinkingFrequency - the blink speed.

  • AlternateBackground - the background color for the alternate blink state.

  • AlternateForeground - the foreground color for the alternate blink state.

Signals properties

WEBfactory 2010 - States properties

Template properties

The Template properties allow the user to set up pop-up windows that will open at run-time when clicking the control. The pop-up windows can inherit parameters from the parent control. These parameters can be used to define the contents of the pop-up window.




Blend and Visual Studio

ParameterValues or PopupParameters

In SmartEditor, the ParameterValues property allows the user to choose new values for Template Parameters (parameters for Signal Names, Symbolic Texts and Alarm Types defined in a Template page). The new values of the Template Parameters are passed to the Template page when opening it from the configured control. This facilitates the usage of the same Template Page in multiple situations.

In Blend or Visual Studio, the PopupParameters property also allows the user to create the parameters to be passed in the pop-up page. The parameters are no longer restricted to Signal Names, Symbolic Texts and Alarm Types.

Template properties

WEBfactory 2010 - General properties

Template or PopupSource

Allows the user to select an existing Template page to be opened as pop-up at run time.

In Blend and Visual Studio, the page must be referenced using the ProgectName.PageName syntax.

Template properties

WEBfactory 2010 - General properties

TemplateModality or PopupModality

The display method for the template page. The options are Modal or Modeless.

Template properties

WEBfactory 2010 - General properties

TemplateTitle or PopupTitle

The title to be displayed in the title bar of the pop-up window.

Template properties

WEBfactory 2010 - General properties